Hyraceum powder

R650,00100 gramsPowder
R1.625,00250 gramsPowder
R3.250,00500 gramsPowder
500 grams or more, contact us
samples on request, T&C’s apply


Hyraceum powder is a natural substance derived from the excrement of rock hyraxes, small mammals found in certain regions of Africa and the Middle East. Over time, their urine and feces combine with minerals and sediment to create a unique aromatic material known as hyraceum. Hyraceum powder has gained attention for its distinctive aroma, potential health benefits, and uses in perfumery, aromatherapy, and traditional practices.

Aroma and Perfumery:

  1. Unique Scent: Hyraceum powder is prized for its complex, earthy, and animalic aroma. It has a distinct and alluring fragrance that is often used to add depth and character to perfumes and fragrances.
  2. Natural Perfume Ingredient: Perfumers and fragrance creators use hyraceum powder to infuse their creations with a one-of-a-kind scent. It can evoke a connection to nature and the wild.

Traditional Uses:

  1. Cultural and Spiritual Practices: Hyraceum has historical significance in some indigenous cultures and is used in ceremonial or spiritual practices, where its unique aroma is believed to have spiritual and grounding properties.
  2. Potential Therapeutic Use: In certain traditional medicine systems, hyraceum powder has been used for its potential health benefits, although scientific research on these claims is limited.


  1. Relaxation and Meditation: Hyraceum’s distinct aroma is also used in aromatherapy to promote relaxation, meditation, and a sense of calmness.

Quality and Sourcing:

  1. Authenticity: When obtaining hyraceum powder, it’s important to ensure that the source is reputable and that the product is genuine hyraceum.

Caution and Considerations:

  1. Individual Sensitivity: Aromatic substances like hyraceum can trigger different responses in individuals. Some people find its scent appealing, while others may have varying preferences.
  2. Cultural Significance: Like other natural substances, hyraceum carries cultural significance and may be used in various cultural and ceremonial practices.
  3. Therapeutic Claims: If considering hyraceum for potential health benefits, consult a healthcare professional, as scientific research on its therapeutic properties is limited.
  4. Responsible Sourcing: Ethical and sustainable sourcing of hyraceum is important to support conservation efforts and respect local ecosystems.

Hyraceum powder’s use should be approached with an understanding of its cultural and traditional significance, its unique aromatic properties, and its potential uses in perfumery and aromatherapy. Whether for personal use or exploration, a respectful and informed approach is key.


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